Sunday, January 27, 2013

how do you escape the noise?

Sometimes on cold, tired days I sit and think.

Sometimes life seems a great drama of "What-if's" and wishes.  While we waste away our time pining after dreams of fortune, love and happiness, the world goes on and lives slip away.

The things we care so much about.

Friendships, arguments, food, weather, careers, school.

Why do we care so much?  Better--why do we care about those earthly things, when all that really matters is eternity?

Are we really so blind to our mortality that we are comfortable wishing for false security and happiness on earth?  Our emotions and mind force us into delusions of owning these things on earth, when in reality we are simply pilgrims

"This world is not my home, I'm just a-passing through.  My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.  The angels beckon me to heaven's open door, and I can't feel at home in this world any more."

Sometimes I wonder why I get so engrossed in the busyness of life.  Take school, for instance.  Quite right--doing my best is important, but it should not be most important. 

Friendships?  Surely it is good to have uplifting and godly friends.  But to spend every moment planning for the next event and social gathering?  What a waste.

What I wish for at this moment is an escape.  Instead of consuming myself with the petty dealings of strangers on earth, I should be living every day for my King.  Christ is the only One to which I owe my full allegiance.  I wish to escape this maddening world.  To escape from the encasing of drama, relationships, news, jobs, school and noise.

Yes, I must love my family and friends and strive to help them in this pilgrimage as often as I can, but my relationship with God is of utmost importance.  Through that relationship with God, He will strengthen the relationships I have with my family and close friends.

Where can I escape to, when every direction I turn presents temptations and distractions?  Must I seclude myself completely to spend a moment of solitude with my Savior?  How might I eliminate the noise of the world?

How do you escape?


  1. Well, I think you hit the nail on the head. When we are too busy with the next event/activity we do absolutely crowd out the Lord with all of those busy things. And I know that is not pleasing to Him and does not bring peace to us. We have to be reasonable in how much we choose to participate in so that we do have the time - every day - to sit and think about Him and what He wants of us today! A very definite, very specific, very worthy goal for us. Thanks for the thoughts! :)

  2. Your thoughts are exactly my thoughts.
    One would wish for a lovely "retreat" place, but that's gonna happen.
    My "escape place" is not very exotic; it's just my chair by the fireplace; all my books and Bible, highlighter and pencil on my little table.
    I have a passion to be in that chair EARLY every morning -first thing - that's it.
    The days I start right here and spend lots of time alone with Him right here are the best days! If I miss it or oversleep and have to cut the time short, I'm pretty bummed all day. And, I can tell the difference ALL DAY; priorities get scrambled; self gets in the way; and on and on. He does want to be our first and best priority, doesn't He?
    Not very exotic, but that's my "prayer closet." :)

  3. PS:
    Left off a very important sentence in my reply to you!
    When I go to my "prayer closet" every morning ---

    HE meets me there.


    Without fail.
