Tuesday, January 8, 2013

confessions and battles

I must tell you--this blog has become somewhat therapeutic for me. 

I find myself thinking about it throughout the day, dreaming about fun scenarios or interesting thoughts that might make good blog posts.

I think today might be somewhat of a confession, but also an opportunity for me to vent some excitement.
My Confession:
Remember--the purpose of my blog is to provide a glimpse into my stumblings.  My stumblings to what? 
To the crossing.
The crossing of my path with my future husband's path.  We will meet someday at a crossing, in God's timing.  Until then, I want to further my walk with the Lord, so that I will be ready when that day comes. 
I want to be prepared.

Proverbs 21:31-The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the Lord.

Not that my future marriage will be a battle, of course, but life most certainly brings battles.  I love that verse. 
A horse is prepared for battle, which means that I can certainly be prepared for what this life brings.  However, it should be centered in the Lord and His Word, because safety is of the Lord.
So, my confession.  I start class next week.  The last semester of my master's degree.  With this will bring some challenges for me.  Last semester I really fell away from God.  I made friends with people who are not uplifting or godly.  "Friends" that influenced me to choose wrong, and "friends" that fed my lusts of the flesh, eyes, and pride of life.
What will I do when I go back to school next week?  Fall back into those relationships and stumble even further from the cross? 

I pray that God gives me the strength to say no. 

My flesh desires the fun of the moment.  I selfishly worry about losing my "friends" if I choose to follow Christ.  But, what kind of life would that be if I gave up my relationship with God for a season of sin?

Hebrews 11:24-25-By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

No, I want to start this semester strong in Christ, able to say no to the temptations that will plague me. 

Hold me accountable, yes?

My Excitement:

One word for the year.

This is new to me.  My Sunday school teacher talked about choosing our one word.  Then, I stumbled across a blog where someone had linked to a website with a One Word Challenge

My heart patters along. 

One word to focus on for an entire year.  One word that God reveals to you.  The only way to let God reveal it to you?  By unearthing the mysteries of His Word layer by layer until He whispers it to you.

The beauty of this idea makes me desperate to find my one word.  I love words, and I love the idea of spending a year working on something that God chose for you.

One word to challenge you, uplift you, remind you, and change you.

I am waiting for my word.  As soon as God tells me my word, I will race over to my computer and tell you. 

Hold me accountable, yes?

Today I am linking to:


  1. Can't wait to hear what your word will be! :)

  2. Great sharings! Accountability? Yes! I'll keep up with you if you'll keep up with me!

    My word for 2013: WORSHIP

    Look forward to learning what your word will be.
